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The many ways of brain training

By Danielle25 April 2018

Adult brain development

Most of the development of your brain takes place in the womb and during your childhood. But even the adult's brain is still capable of developing. Your brain is constantly changing. By repeating activities, neurological pathways between neurons are strengthened. Therefore thoughts, feelings or actions that are often repeated, form a kind of neurological path in the brain. Repetition is a focused way of brain training.


In the brain of an adult, new neurons can still grow. New connections can also be made between the neurons. Brains can adapt to new stimuli, this is called neuroplasticity. Your brain has the capacity to take over certain brain functions after injury through other brain areas, this is called brain reorganization. So, we can play a much more active role ourselves in training and influencing our brains through brain training.


Brain training

It remains important to challenge yourself. People are naturally inclined to stay in their comfort zone, it becomes a fixed pattern in your life. You can change this by allowing positive stimuli. By doing things that are outside your comfort zone, you’re challenging your brain and put it to work. It may take a lot of effort to do this, but this will make your brain work better and more refined.

Your brain will be able to learn, but you must give your brain information to learn! So, keep learning new things. You can do brain training through learning new recipes by heart, cycle a different route to the store or go shopping in another store. With this new information, you are training your memory and stimulate your brain. Brain training can also be done by:
  • Learning something new, for example, take piano lessons.
  • Memory games, serious games like for example sudoku or chess.
  • Regular walking or cycling, this strengthens the blood vessels that supply the brain with oxygen. Movement is also important for older people to keep their brain flexible.
  • Social interaction by, for example, visit family and friends. Being socially active is associated with a 60% lower risk of dementia, probably because being social stimulates the production of anti-inflammatory chemicals in the brain and helps to prevent the build-up of stress hormones.

These forms of brain training ensure relaxation! Relaxation is an important part of a well-functioning immune system which supports the growth of new brain cells.


Brain training at BrainGymmer

By using BrainGymmer you’re doing brain training. Brain training is used by people who have, for example, brain injury. Even if you do not experience any symptoms, it is important to take good care of your brain and keep it fit. You can keep your brain fit by training with BrainGymmer for ten minutes a day by playing serious games, making tests and testing yourself with our brain teasers.