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Athletes and Brain Training

By Admin17 December 2020
Dawid Kubacki, four-time World Cup winner in ski jumping, has recently started using brain training to increase his ability and chances for an Olympic medal. He stated, “I believe what is going on inside the competitors’ heads is the most important thing.” He also mentioned, “when you think of the brain like a muscle you just keep training it.” Brain training has for a while been seen as a groundbreaking development when it comes to high-level performance, which includes top-level sports. More and more uses are being found for it every day, and this example goes to show that the benefits of brain exercise are limitless. 

Brain Training As An Athlete

In what way does brain training help a super athlete to perform better? For the answer, we have to understand what kind of effect the mind has on the body. What we often don’t realize is that the mind is part of the body and that the two are intensely intertwined. The body influences the mind, this much is clear when for instance we fall ill. The body starts to ache and the mind starts to feel worse as well. What is less clear, however, is how the mind influences the body. There are countless ways in which an improvement of the mind leads to an improvement of the body. Studies have shown that once you reduce stress from the mind, your bodily functions improve. Your heart, liver, kidneys, skin, and many more parts of your body can calm down as a result of the mind. Another study has shown that when athletes visualize their practice (even when they are just sitting at home) their body adapts and improves at doing the necessary movements to perform that practice. 

How Does It Work

What research shows is that our thoughts have an effect on neurotransmitters. These are the chemicals that the brain needs to transmit and receive signals, helping the body to function well. For example, when you are riding a bike your mind is using many neurotransmitters to make sure your muscles are activated in order to keep your balance. Neurotransmitters are also responsible for regulating your mood and reducing stress. This also has an effect on the body. Improving the health of your neurotransmitters is ideal for increasing the health of your body as well. Alongside a good diet and lots of exercise, brain training has proven to be extremely effective for increasing the number of neurotransmitters in the brain. 

Brain Training For You

What does this mean for you? Not all of us are super athletes, so why is this relevant? The reason why brain training, for example in the form of brain games, works for everyone is that no matter what kind of activity you do in your daily life, whether that is your regular job, your daily workout, or something simple like going for a walk, brain training helps your body to stay at the peak of its performance to do these tasks successfully and effortlessly. Because the brain and body are so closely intertwined, we recommend you to work daily on both your bodily health and your brain health. Start with moderate exercise for 15 minutes a day along with a brain training session of 15 minutes and work your way up towards whatever suits your needs.

Where do I start?

Brain training holds a wide variety of options. You could train your memory, your reaction time, your processing speed, and much more. At, all these different options are taken into account and available for you in the form of engaging brain games. Choose what you want to practice, when you want to practice it, and for how long. Other than that, Braingymmer makes brain training easy and fun. Check it out today and see for yourself what kind of benefits you can get by having a fit brain.