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BrainGymmer - Research Platform

BrainGymmer as a platform for academic research studies
Over the years we have built specific functionality into BrainGymmer to support academic research studies.  Clients that use BrainGymmer in their studies include the University of Amsterdam, V.U. Medical Center, Leiden University, Calgary University, Maastricht University, Sophia Rehabilitation Care.  Study examples: cognitive training effects for children with acquired brain impairment / cognitive training effects & schizophrenia /  cognitive training effects after stroke.
The advantage of using BrainGymmer for scientific research: participants love to play brain training games are prepared to invest time and effort, drop off rates are low.  It is an effective and easy way to gather research data.
If you are setting up a research study in which you need a cognitive training platform for your participants, BrainGymmer suits your needs. This is how we support research studies:
BrainGymmer For Research is available as a browser version (works on desktop, tablet, phone) as well as an app (tablet, phone).  For research purposes, we suggest you use one platform only (web or app)  so that the user interface in itself will not impact your study results.
Contact us to find out how we can support your research study with BrainGymmer. Send an email to or call +31 36 7116158
